Stock photo diverse group of students learning in a classroom



INTENT is a smoking prevention programme. It works by targeting adolescents who have never smoked prior to its delivery. INTENT reduces smoking initiation by first getting adolescents to engage with anti-smoking messages, then creating Personal Plans (or “Implementation Intentions”) about how to refuse an offer of cigarettes.

Implementation Intentions are specific “if...then” plans which focus on how, where and when to perform a behaviour. Many people have good intentions about their health (think New Year’s resolutions) but in reality, only about 50% of these good intentions translate into action: they might fail to get started, get de-railed or willpower simply fizzles out.

Implementation Intentions involve people thinking through in advance specific situations they will encounter (e.g. “if my friend doesn’t want to go for a run with me”) and forming a definite plan to ensure the intended behaviour will actually happen (e.g. “then I will go alone and run to my new playlist”). A meta-analysis of several studies has shown that these “if… then” plans reduces the intention-behaviour gap, and improves rates of performance of health behaviours. By forming a concrete plan about a specific situation, this situation is processed and becomes activated in our brain. This means that we have a better, faster memory of the right thing to do when we’re in that situation for real.

Reduces smoking initiation

Reduces smoking initiation

4 year groups, ages 11-15

4 year groups, ages 11-15

From less than £1 per student

From less than £1 per student

Contact us to prevent young people taking up smoking in your area:

21B Somerset Square
Nailsea, Bristol
North Somerset
BS48 1RQ

Tel: +44 (0) 7973 241125



INTENT is created by the University of Leeds and licenced to Evidence to Impact.

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